Notes On ...


#!/usr/bin/env lua 

local function helloWorld()
  io.write("This is Lua")


Lua is a fast, lightweight, and embeddable scripting/programming language. It is widely considered the fastest interpreted/scripting language.

Its “virtual machine” maps very closely to the C programming language 🗒️, and when combined with its Just-In-Time compiler, LuaJIT, it’s faster than Python 🗒️ and JavaScript 🗒️.

In addition to speed, Lua’s complete source code and documentation is only 1.3 MB in size, making it very portable/embeddable.

It has seen widespread use in video-game development:


Overview of C API - Lua Official Docs 🌐

Lua’s extensive C API allows easy integration, letting you call lua code in a C program, or vice-versa, call C code in a Lua program.


Lua has its own package manager, called LuaRocks.