Notes On ...


fn main() {
    println!("This is Rust");

Rust is a memory-safe, compiled programming language that combines high-level simplicity, with low-level performance. A popular choice for systems where performance is absolutely critical like:

It was created in 2007, and named after the “Rust Fungus” 🌐 plant disease.

Rust was then sponsored by Mozilla in 2009, and has been ranked the #1 most-loved programming language every year since 2016.

Memory Safety

Usually high-level languages provide a “garbage collector” to free up memory not in use anymore, while lower-level languages provide functions like free and reallocto reallocate memory yourself. Rust has no “garbage collector”, but still achieves “memory safety” with the concept of “Ownership” and “Borrowing”.

Additionally Rust has a whole set of rules which a “Borrow Checker” validates at compile time, to ensure your code is safe.


Rust has its own package manager, called cargo, where each individual package is called a crate